Beautification Committee

The Iron River Beautification Committee hosted its first official meeting January 26, 2022, after months of discussion at the City of Iron River’s Downtown Development Authority (DDA) meetings.  Our Board is comprised of DDA Member Rick Kinsey, WIC District Library Member Leeann Kirkpatrick and City Manager Rachel Andreski.  The rest of our group consists of many volunteers who are proud of their town and have given their tireless efforts that have a love for making our City looking beautiful! Our purpose is to restore community pride in our downtown district for both residents and visitors by revitalizing and providing new aesthetic improvements. 

In May of 2022, we hosted the first ever Community Wide Clean Up Day where 1,100 pounds of garbage was collected by volunteers.  We set a goal of tackling two “berms” in the City owned parking lots to weed, remove old mulch, plant both annuals and perennials, then place new mulch.  This hasn’t been done in many years.  We were given a small budget from the DDA to help us achieve our goals and a grant was awarded through the CoVantage Cares Grant Program.  We have purchased flower baskets that hang from each power pole on Genesee Street and Washington Avenue in the DDA District.  We have also purchased annuals, perennials, and soil for the “berm” on the Adams Street Parking Lot, (in front of City Hall and the West Iron District Library).  We hosted a perennial drive with hopes citizens would donate from their own flower beds for the “berm” located on Maple Street and 4th Street.  We were not as successful as we hoped, but it’s a start! Each year, we will maintain areas we are able to improve, along with taking on more as volunteers and funding will allow.   


As part of the Beautification Committee, we are also working towards a mural program through the Mural Committee.  We currently have a member that is working in the City Hall “Attic” on smaller works of art that will be placed in local business windows and City owned property.  This was featured in the Iron County Reporter “The Arts of Iron County” August 24, 2022, edition of the Iron County Reporter.  We purchased board, paint and supplies to start this effort as well. 

Program Goals

The Beautification Commission is a volunteer organization dedicated to enhancing the overall appearance, environmental awareness and livability of the City of Iron River and provide residents and visitors in our downtown district a friendly, welcoming place to visit, dine, bank and shop.

Our goals include:

  • promote the overall image and aesthetics of the community
  • promote civic pride through beautification projects
  • provide an avenue for citizens to work together on beautification projects

Garden Sponsorship

Want to be a part of this amazing committee but don’t have the time to get your hands dirty? We would love to have you join us by becoming a garden sponsor.

Our gardens can be sponsored on a yearly basis by an individual, a family or a company and will be planted and maintained on your behalf by our amazing volunteers.

A sign acknowledging your sponsorship will be placed in a mutually agreed upon garden area for the sponsorship year.  A map of our garden locations is available at City Hall or can be viewed below.

A sponsorship fee of $400 is all it takes to get your name out in the beautiful gardens in the City of Iron River. A sponsorship form is attached or available online. For more information, please email

Documents / Forms

Garden Adoption

Our gardens can be adopted on a yearly basis by an individual, a group, a family or a business.  Each garden will be planted and maintained by you during the year.  This is your space so be creative!

A sign acknowledging your adoption will be placed in a mutually agreed upon garden area for the adoption year.

A map of our garden locations is available at City Hall or can be viewed below.

For more information, please email


Our Committee’s mission is to restore community pride in our downtown district for both residents and visitors by revitalizing and providing new aesthetic improvements.  In order to accomplish this and keeping Iron River “beautiful”, we need to do so with the support from you and other community members.

Your support is key to helping the community and ensure our success in the future. Every dollar counts!  All donations, 100% received, are used to purchase the colorful hanging baskets on Genesee Street and Washington Avenue, plants/flowers and various planting supplies needed each year.

Thank you for partnering with us!  Please include your name and address so a confirmation can be sent.

For more information, please email

Iron River Michigan